If someday, somehow we managed to see the future, that means the future is deterministic. It means that every thing that will ever happen is predetermined; because if we can see it or predict it with some technology then it’s already there, and our choices have been already made! We just had to observe it. Let’s just assume for a minute that we’re okay with living without free-will. But now when we know exactly what’s gonna happen after say five seconds from now, you can change it right?
Imagine that you are setting in the middle of a room, in front of you there is a huge screen covering the wall, projecting you after five seconds continuously, you watch you’re self saying out-loud with an open mouth “WHAT THE FUCK!”. And before thinking about it, after exactly five seconds of abstractedness you say with an open mouth “WHAT THE FUCK!”. But then you think about everything, you say in your mind “I am not following a script, am not a robot in a simulation, I have free-will, there is no machine can decide my choices for me, I chose to eat cheese instead of jam this morning.” So you decide to do anything else other than what the screen is projecting. Next second you see your-self on the screen standing up from your chair, so you decide that you will not stand up.
For the sake of this argument let us assume that you did not stand up from your chair, because honestly I’d like to think that I am the one in the center of the web deciding what I do and what I do not.
So, now if we can change the future - by not standing up when the screen showed we will – then it means that the future is not predetermined, we have free-will, but if the future is not deterministic how did we see it in the first place? How could we see something that was never there?
I just blew up my mind at this moment.
- Ahmed Ayman, may 2020.