
SOURCE CODE OSCGEEKS.ORG is the official website of the Open Source Community at ASU-FCIS. Deployment Stack PHP : Laravel -> Backend MySql -> Database Nginx -> WebServer Docker -> php Container Dockerfile Docker-Compose -> running the Multi-Container app docker-compose file The deployment stack is running on top of Docker multi-container web app. check docker-compose file here How to Run Locally ? clone the repository git clone https://github....

Ahmed Ayman


Forked from Rosalita/GoViolin to practice DevOps Concepts and tools : CI/CD using Jenkins and GitHub Actions, Containerization using Docker, Deploying using Kubernetes. GoViolin is a web app written in Go that helps with violin practice. SOURCE CODE Currently hosted on Heroku at https://go-violin.herokuapp.com/ Table of Contencts Features Used DevOps Tools and Technologies Run using Docker Enable Jenkins pipeline on your machine Dockeraize GoViolin - How ? Building the pipeline Deployment on Kubernetes GitHub Actions Workflow Jenkins Console Output Success Emails Pipeline Features Features GoViolin allows practice over both 1 and 2 octaves....

Ahmed Ayman

To Do List with Flask, Docker, and GitHub Actions

Simple Web App to practice Flask, Docker, and GitHub Actions Hands-On LIVE DEMO SOURCE CODE Running Try it out live on heroku! TO DO LIST USING DOCKER - PULLING FROM DOCKER HUB # pull the image from docker hub $ docker pull a7medayman6/todolist-flask # create docker volume for the database to keep your tasks everytime you run ir $ docker volume create todolist.db # run the container # map port 5000 in the container to 5001 (or any other free port) # map the docker volume you created to /app/db $ docker run -d -p 5001:5000 -v todolist....

Ahmed Ayman

Hello World From Container - Flask Web App

Demo flask Web App to practice Docker Basics. Source Code BUILD git clone . cd Hello-World-From-Container docker build -t hello-world:latest . docker run -p 5001:5000 hello-world # visit http:/ to see the web site presnting the container id it's running from! Or pull it from docker hub! docker pull a7medayman6/hello-world-flask docker run -p 5001:5000 hello-world-flask # visit http:/ to see the web site presnting the container id it's running from! Preview Same Container name!...

Ahmed Ayman